Thursday, January 7, 2010

Good Boy.

With 5 kids, and 4 still at home most of the day, there is a lot of craziness. Lots of ups and downs, and lots of noise. Sometimes I just want it to be a little more quiet. Or at least less of the angry, annoyed, tattle-tale, sassy, naughty, making disasters, complaining type of noise. Today, I got that from one child. Asher. Not one "Go 'way!" or "Hate you Mommy." (I know, it's sad that our 2-year-old's vocabulary has aquired such stinging words, but I've learned to kind of giggle about it.) I don't think he even said, "Hate naps!" as I went to put him down. There was no hitting, kicking, eye scratching, or pinching. Okay, there was one little cheek grab of Mollie, but she forgave. Today, there was none of this...

Yes, look at yourself, child. You don't want to look like a scary monster. Let's not do that again, okay?


Nor any of this today...

(Sadie, "I'll clean it up Mommy." Scrubbing the entire table down with a soggy paper towel no less.)

Desitin is made to stay on skin you know.


All clean.

Today didn't even have any of this...

Today felt more like this...

Oh hi.

Good boy Asher. Rock on.


kendragreensides said...

Oh my gosh...he is so darn cute! I'm glad to know that it's not just my two year old that is naughty! Gotta love 'em, right?

Lia said...

Gotta love the Desitin! Doesn't at least one child in every family have to do that, or Vaseline?